The services conducted at OMC aim to overcome the current challenges in providing safe and effective psychedelic-assisted mental health care to at-risk populations at scale in a timely manner.
Open Mind Collective is focused on closing the gap in the following three areas, with a specific focus among military veterans, first responders, and people suffering from substance use disorders.
Clinical Services
Financial Barriers
Costs make PAP inaccessible for most of the population. For example, patients are required to pay $6,000 out of pocket to receive Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP) when delivered in a manner that is in accordance with the clinical trial design for MDMA for severe PTSD.
OMC Solution:
Group-Based Community Care
Using a group based model for psychedelic-assisted therapy, OMC provides PAP clinical services to at-risk populations on a sliding scale thanks to the generous support of our funders, and the volunteer efforts of our health professionals. OMC believes that a group-based and modified peer-led model for PAP will provide both superior results and is the best solution for providing a scalable solution to the current mental health crisis.
Lack of Quality Studies
Well-conducted clinical research is urgently needed to provide quality data to financial and policy decision makers. There are dozens of psychedelic compounds that have been used for centuries with excellent safety profiles based on historical data, and have early data suggesting potential efficacy for mental health conditions.
OMC Solution:
Quality Clinical Research
OMC investigators have been investigators in the MAPS MDMA studies, as well as investigator-initiated psilocybin studies at UCSF and community clinical research sites. OMC currently is participating in the MAPS x- (TBD). OMC intends to study outcomes associated with its clinical services as pilot data for future clinical research. OMC plans to apply for other investigator-initiated research grants.
Lack of Adequate Trainings
There’s a paucity of adequate and culturally sensitive training in PAP. At this time, demand has far exceeded the supply of appropriately trained health professionals. In order to ensure optimal outcomes many more experts are needed to work with a range of patients.
OMC Solution:
Quality Trainings
OMC will begin providing PAP training starting in 2024 with particular focus on using a novel group- and peer-based model for PAP to help meet growing demand.